能源費:依帳單繳能源費 (水電瓦斯網路費)
There are 5 rooms, all fairly spacious. All rooms have window facing outside and double bed, while some rooms has huge wardrobe. Please definitely come and check it out!
7分鐘即可抵達古亭捷運站,走路就可以到達師大,台大與台科大也再不遠之處。 附近生活機能良好,許多小吃和店面,超市也在3分鐘的路程內。
7 minutes to Guting MRT station, so it's also in walking distance to NTNU. Easy access to NTU and NTUST. Convenient area with many shops and restaurants around, the closest supermarket is 3 minutes away.
國 | 籍|
性 | 別F |
職業別 | 其他 |
上班族 | 上班族 |